Are there courses for separated parents?
We recommend a Parenting Program called Circle of Security. This is an 8 week course focussed on the children’s needs and how parents can be guided in improving their role as parents. This Program is not aimed specifically at parties who are undergoing separation or divorce. It does however provide excellent information and personal development for parents. We have received a number of positive comments about this Program.
There are a number of agencies in South Australia which provide services to couples and families going through separation. These include Relationships Australia, Centacare and Anglicare. There are also many private practitioners who offer services in the fields of psychology, social work and mediation.
Anglicare offers an excellent program known as Kids Are First which is a post-separation support program for parents. This program is highly recommended.
All of the above agencies offer Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) which is designed to assist parents resolve their disputes without having to go to Court. It may also be helpful to attend Family Dispute Resolution whilst going through Court and this is likely to be something the Court will suggest.
There are a number of other issues which may arise in particular cases. These include domestic violence, anger management and overuse of alcohol or drugs. We recommend that you make enquiries of the above mentioned agencies for assistance in relation to these matters.
The telephone numbers in South Australia are as follows:
Relationships Australia : 1300 364 277
Centacare : (08) 8215 6700
Anglicare : (08) 8305 9200